This is the year of many firsts for the White House. If this is your first time reading this blog, congratualtions! I hope it's not your last. But I wouldn't blame you if it was. My ability to captivate an audience with prose is untested. However, if you enjoy typos, random thoughts and run on sentences, we can become fast friends.
I find it only fitting to start this first blog with a list of other firsts from this year. We'll make it a theme.
1. We found out I'm pregnant (well technically this happened last calendar year, but it was in this rolling 12 month period, so we'll count it)
2. We set up Skype
3. We got to see our new nephew in Miami over Skype
4. Grandma Gering came to visit Nashville
5. We put our house on the market
6. We started Bradley Method birthing classes
7. I ate kale for the first time
8. We had a contract on our house
9. We found out our baby is a boy
10. Our buyer walked away from the contract on our house
11. We watched birthing videos in Bradley class
12. We held our twin niece and nephew in SD
13. I ate more kale. Like, a lot. It's supposed to be good for the baby.
14. I researched cloth diapers. And breast pumps. And a lot of other stuff that had never entered my realm of thought 4 months ago.
15. We practiced contractions in Bradley class.
16. For the sake of brevity, let me just list that each Bradley class has contained mutliple firsts. Amen.
17. We (and by 'we' I mean 'I') freaked out about not being prepared for a baby.
18. We (and by 'we' I mean 'Chris') came up with a plan for getting all of the tasks done we need to to be as prepared as we can be.
19. We took our house off the market (see #18 for reason why)
20. I started a blog
This is could be continued on well past #50...maybe even #75, but I heard once that the key to a good blog is making it "skim-able." I think I've already exceeded the skim-able limit so I'll quit while I'm behind. Thanks for playing. I'll leave you with a picture of my good-lookin' husband with the sweet twins in SD.
Chris w/ Isaac & Ella at 3mo.