Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Family of Three

Okay, so I know I may have lost all credibility in my blogging ability after such a long dry spell but I'm back at it now!  We are officially a family of 3 as of August 16th.  I was working on Jake's birth story and it was taking me way to long and then before I knew it he was a month old, then 2 months old and now almost 3 months old! We've had a whirlwind last month with a 9 day trip to SD and a long weekend with friends at Edisto Island.  I have tons to catch up on here and lots and lots of pictures to share but the weather has been just way too nice to be in the house when I have a few minutes to relax (today is rainy which is why this post is happening)*.  More to come.

*I wrote this one a couple weeks ago but forgot to publish it!  I promise there are more in the works!

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